The modern social science wars of atoms, math equations, gravity fields, magnetic fields, biochemistry molecules, television photons, English language nouns, and symbolic life.

The Chicago region human liver hematology blood WAR signal--> 2 Streets 56



Biochemistry molecules have thoughts and ideas and conflicts. These INTERNAL biology living entites can transform their anger into an EXTERNAL event ..... usually a tragic EVENT that is a display signal of INTERNAL conflicts.

Let's look at an hematology example  ..... that helps describe the Darwinian  evolution of symbolic life  ...which includes the symbolic  thoughts of bl00d.   Blood is a physical biology entity and   thru evolution ....  b100d can now be a  symbolic machine ....  a processor of thoughts and ideas.     with  various INTELLECTUAL relationships and THOUGHT concepts  about  existence.

Hematology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hematology, also spelled haematology (from the Greek αἷμα haima "blood" and -λoγία), is the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases.
Hematology, also spelled haematology (from the Greek αἷμα haima "blood" and -λoγία), is the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases.
To understand  b100d and its thoughts .... we look  year 1726   and the LIVER  book written by Jonathan Swift.
Think of year 1726 as an equation --> 17 + 26 --> 17 implies invention laws /patents .....AND   26 reminds us of  the 26 protons of the  ferrous oxide IRON atom with  its  26 atomic English alphabet letters.

Iron at Chemical

Basic Information

Name: Iron
Symbol: Fe
Atomic Number: 26
Atomic Mass: 55.845 amu

Number of Protons/Electrons: 26
Number of Neutrons: 30
Classification: Transition Metal
Crystal Structure: Cubic

Thus in year 1726 ...the  blood (with iron HEME group fe(ii) ion)   within  biochemistry structure know as Jonathan Swift converges at the liver.  Thus the liver became a  communications hub for the   blood IRON  and its atomic English alphabet alphabet and its thoughts.  Hence, the INTERNAL information center (the LIVER)  decided to express its thought in EXTERNAL format a book comprised of cellulose  pages and black ink symbols  with   am obvious,  recognizable title "Liver stories from deep within the human body":      The publisher apparently liked the stories, but didn't like the title the title was changed.
In modern times, we have  b100d messages that use the LIVER logo.
- The Beattle's  song " Help" the LIVER and its  bio-data processing system  ..... data record buffer pool problem  .... a biochemsitry message from Liverpool.

- The LAW of LIVER Labs   in Livermore, California.   The engineers and mathematicians that work there  ..probably  read the book   " Gull+  LIVER Travels''   by  Jonathan Swift  ........  and  the primordial instinct of their bio-liver was to travel to  Livermore, California   and to work at Nature's world-wide   LIVER convergence center at Lawrence  Livermore Labs.
Thus we see the symbolic life within us  ..... an INTERNAL  language  and its possible output (like the nook) and the influence upon human thought. 
- The most influential LIVER has become  known as the wisdom /   the sage of LIVER /   I saw widsom /  I saw a sage /    AND  this knowledge of Jonathan SWIFT has been  been repackaged  in the Chicago region  under the
auspices of Jonathan SWIFT  ........ as FOOD for Thought  VIA Swift Foods  and  the 

Process of manufacturing liver sausage - SWIFT & CO
10+ items - Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data ...
Title Process of manufacturing liver sausage
Inventors Voegeli, Marvin M. Harper, Robert H

Thus starting in year 1726  with SWIFT   --> to modern Chicago

Process of manufacturing liver sausage - SWIFT & CO

Process of man   fact         liver sausage - Jonathan SWIFT

gulliver travel book.PNG

Process of man  fact    liver    sa+usa + ge - SWIFT & CO

Process of man  fact  deliver saw usa sage - SWIFT 

gulliver travel book.PNG

Process of man  fact        liver sausage - Jonathan SWIFT  evolution

year 1726 --> 17 --> patent laws and inventions SIGNAL


Process of manufacturing liver sausage - SWIFT & CO
10+ items - Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data ...
Title Process of manufacturing liver sausage
Inventors Voegeli, Marvin M. Harper, Robert H

gulliver travel book.PNG

  • 1-4 - Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

    The two great streets, which run across and divide it into four quarters, are five feet wide. The lanes and alleys, which I could not enter, but only view them as I ...

Gulliver's Travels Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of Part I ...

Gulliver also has made a great deal of progress in learning the language and ... It is "capable of holding five hundred thousand Souls" and has
 two great streets ...
 two great streets ...
 two great streets ...
 two great streets ...   
two great streets ...   WHAT are these 2 great streets in the Chicago region?
Let's take a CLUE from SWIFT Foods ....that is ... symbolic  food for thought  for your brain and liver symbol data processing  machine with symbolism.  
The  CLUE of year 1726  was  26  ..... 26 iron protons in the blood.

Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.


Liver iron transport - World Journal of Gastroenterology
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Sep 21, 2007 - TOPIC HIGHLIGHT. Liver iron transport. Ross M Graham, Anita CG Chua, Carly E Herbison, John K Olynyk, Debbie Trinder. Nathan ...
 The  number 55.85 is rounded up to integer 56   ..for easy memory and eaay communication with the public.

When An iron atom has an atomic mass of 56 Its atomic number 26 ... › CategoriesSciTechScience
When An iron atom has an atomic mass of 56 Its atomic number 26,
 two great streets ... 
 two great streets ...
 two great streets ...   
two great streets ...   WHAT are these 2 great streets in the Chicago region?
This region is composed of atomic humanoids, EARTH LAB institutions like the University of Chicago, 4-wheeled iron automobiles, Illinois Highway 56 with the living EARTH cell double-helix address of E. 56th Street in the south side of Chicago, and the double-helix work / commuting life style of some atomic bio-physics humanoids that maintain offices at both address 56 locations /vicinity.

Number of Protons 26 + Number of Neutrons: 30 = Illinois HIGHWAY 56 with
iron/ concrete/ glass vertical buildings like FermiLAB Wilson Hall in Batavia, Illinois.

Let's look at atomic HIGHWAY 56 near Fe = FermiLab ...known by Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics humanoids as the ROC = Region of Convergence for Margaret Mead atomoic nuclear family and their atomic signal processing.
The other HIGHWAY 56 ...for the super-symmetry geo-physics mapping project ...... is known as E. 56th STREET in the HIDE PARK dimension of the Hyde Park (geography dimension) by University of Chicago string theorist.
Now, let's review the SIGNAL provided by the double-helix work / commuting life style of these atomic
bio-physics humanoids ...... WITH iron in their LIVER .... that maintain offices at both address 56 locations /vicinity.
Their 2 streets expression relates to author Jonathan Swift.

1-4 - Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

The two great streets, which run across and divide it into four quarters, are five feet wide. The lanes and alleys, which I could not enter, but only view them as I ...


Thus we see the LIVER blood equation as revealed  by  the CLUES.

two great streets  --> a Double-Helix   feature with 2 strands
two great streets
two great streets 56 --> gives number 256


Now, we need 1 more  hematology  CLUE from the EXTERNAL world of human events and tragedies.


Cole Hall Shootings -->
Cole approximates the word --> Code

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois

February --> Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic calendar code for IRON b100d ..... hence , the EXTERNAL  b100d flow display at COLE Hall ......CODE HALL  .... was Nature's message about some INTERNAL  b100d  data processing problem

Year 2008 --> Base 2 math exponent 008 = 256  (this matchs number  256 from the LIVER  street calculations)


Thus ...... we  ask ourselves year  2013  ..... in what direction of  Darwinian evolution ,,,has b100d proceeded.
Nature has no reason  to  upgrade  the physcial biology systems of b100d .....  it works.

In year 1726 ..the liver and b100d started a symbolic evolution.
Intellegent  b100d  that studies algbera and the sciences, works hard (as needed) , thinks clearly about serious matters, and lives ina balanced relationship with NATURE.

Signal 256 .....signal 256    ...GEE WHIZ ...that looks mighty familar a brain computer number.

Thus the b100d flow at CODE HALL in DeKlab, Illinois  ...... suggests the existence of  BASE 16 alpha/numeric  bl00d

The atomic English language word: B100D --> subsets  --> B   + number 100  + D

What are possible  definitions for the 3 number symbols 100.


1st definition of bl00d

binary 100 --> decimal 4 --> 4 DNA nucleotides and their relation to B100D

Thus algebra substitution of  symbols 100  by symbol 4  -->
B100D becomes B4D (North America)   --> Base 4 DNA  ..... the evolution  sign of b100d self-awareness

Thus 4-legged animals where probably the 1st  physical format expression of 4 DNA nucleotides

2nd defintion of b100d   
decimal 100 -->  one hundred  --> one hund + red  cells  ..learn to count --> B100D   



3rd  defintion of b100d  ...Charles Darwin evolution ..... SCIENCE WAR report 

Year 2013 .....  Current  b100d  war  data provided    
by  year 2008 at Cole Hall   and   April 16 base 16 blood battle at Virginia TECH   

alpha/numeric B100D equation -->  alpha B   + symbols 100 + alpha D

Base 16 Hex '100'  = 256   ...therefore by algbera subsitution of symbols

Base 16 hexadecimal processing B100D --> B256D

Or perhaps beter stated as

B100D  level 256  and Nature's hierarchy  ..... and the B100D war casualties caused by citizens and institutions ignoring Nature's message  and ignoring those that try to undertsand the situation  



Thus we have  alpha/numeric B100D   and the Hierarchy Problem in physics,  bio-physics   and the Margaret Mead atomic  nuclear family  ... ferrous oxide atomic social science conflicts.


Now B100D level 256  becomes important to  people living  at E. 56tg Strre and Highway 56.

256 --> partitions into  2  + 56 --> feedback signal 256  to their human B100D  .....Heme group Fe(2) ion  for those living  geography regions of  street 56.  

This region covers about 10 million people in the greater Chicagp area .


The previous level of B100D was Official B100D.
Official -->   O  + ff ---> O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 Base 16 atomic bio-physics processor with HEX'ff' =255.

Thus university officials and  Office of Science officials, etc ..... .are now at level 255   and refuse to recognize Nature's bio-system  SYMBOLIC MACHINE upgrade to  256.

Do you acknowledge Charles Darwin  and Nature's  systems?  

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This page contains a single entry by Herb Zinser published on March 10, 2013 3:42 AM.

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